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Behaviour Change Science & Policy (BeSP)

The 5th BeSP symposium: Complexity science and behaviour change interventions
The 4th BeSP symposium: Creating real-world impact: Implementation and dissemination of behaviour change interventions
The 3rd BeSP symposium: Reverse translation: Practice-based evidence
The 2nd BeSP symposium: Be­ha­vi­oural in­sights in design­ing pub­lic policy & in­ter­ven­tions
The 1st BeSP symposium: Intervention evaluation & field experiments
Overview of all BeSP symposia


The 5th BeSP symposium: Complexity science and behaviour change interventions
The 4th BeSP symposium: Creating real-world impact: Implementation and dissemination of behaviour change interventions
The 3rd BeSP symposium: Reverse translation: Practice-based evidence
The 2nd BeSP symposium: Be­ha­vi­oural in­sights in design­ing pub­lic policy & in­ter­ven­tions
The 1st BeSP symposium: Intervention evaluation & field experiments
Overview of all BeSP symposia